6 tabellen

Info Instructions in English:
   move, left, centre, right, up, under, beside, corner, top, bottom.

- Move the six up to the top left corner.

- Move the twelve to the top centre, beside the six.

- Move the eighteen up to the top right corner, beside the twelve.

- Move the twenty-four to the left, under the six.

- Move the thirty to the centre, beside the twenty-four, under the twelve.

- Move the thirty-six to the right, beside the thirty, under the eighteen.

- Move the forty-two to the left, under the twenty-four.

- Move the forty-eight to the centre, beside the forty-two, under the thirty.

- Move the fifty-four to the right, beside the forty-eight, under the thirty-six.

- Move the piece with a light grey circle to the bottom left corner.

- Move the sixty to the centre, under the forty-eight.

- Move the piece with a circle in the top left corner to the bottom right corner.

en ny

6 x 1

6 x 2

6 x 3

6 x 4

6 x 5

6 x 6

6 x 7

6 x 8

6 x 9

6 x 10

Sæt tabellen op i den rigtige rækkefølge


Er du tabel smart?

Tal eller regnestykke.
Er tallet med i 6 tabellen?

Hvor mange gange
går 6 op i tallet?

1. "Drag and drop" brikkerne i puslespillet.
Start i øverste venstre hjørne.
Følg læseretningen.

2. Arbejd parvis:
Én forklarer hvor brikkerne skal flyttes.
Prøv det på engelsk! Se "Info".